Product Description


Emergency contraception is a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse.

Morning after pills MUST be taken within 120 hours after having unprotected sex.

You may want to use it if you weren’t using any birth control when you had sex:

• You forgot to take your birth control method

• Your partner’s condom broke or slipped off

• Your partner didn’t pull out in time

• You were forced to have unprotected vaginal sex.

Pregnancy doesn’t happen right after sex. That’s why it’s possible to prevent pregnancy even after the fact. It can take up to six days for the sperm and egg to meet after having sex. Emergency contraception pills work by keeping a woman’s ovary from releasing an egg for longer than usual. Pregnancy cannot happen if there is no egg to join with sperm.

You might have also heard that the morning-after pill causes an abortion. But that’s not true. The morning-after pill is not the abortion pill. Emergency contraception is birth control, not abortion.


Morning after pills are up to 89 percent effective when taken within 72 hours (three days) after unprotected sex. They continue to reduce the risk of pregnancy up to 120 hours (five days) after unprotected sex, but they are less effective as time passes.

For emergency contraceptive pills that contain 2 tablets, the first one must be taken as soon as possible within 5 days (120 hours) of unprotected sex and another must be taken 12 hours later.

  • Don’t take more than one kind of EC, this may negate the effectiveness of the pills
  • Don’t take extra pills. They probably won’t reduce your risk of pregnancy any more than the recommended dose for emergency contraception. But you are more likely to feel sick in your stomach (one of the more common side effects).
  •  If you feel sick in your stomach, it should be only mild nausea that goes away in a day or so.
  • If you throw up within an hour of taking the pills, call your health care provider. You may need to repeat the dose, and it might make sense to take some anti-nausea medication.
  • If you have any other symptoms you are worried about, contact your health care provider.

Ask for an appointment right away if you have:

  • Severe pain in your leg (calf or thigh)
  • Several abdominal pain
  • Chest pain or cough or shortness of breath
  • Severe headaches, dizziness, weakness, or numbness
  • Blurred or loss of vision or trouble speaking
  • Jaundice (if you see a yellowish tint in the whites of your eyes, your skin, or your mucus membranes)

Your next period should start within the next month, although it might come a few days early or late (find out more here). If you don’t get your period by the time you expect it, you might consider getting a pregnancy test.

  • Start using a regular birth control method you think you’ll be able to use every time you have sex because that will be more effective than relying only on emergency contraception. And, if there’s any chance you could be at risk of sexually transmitted infections, use a condom.

• Safe and effective in preventing pregnancy after unprotected sex

• Some are available over-the-counter

• Not as effective as some other types of birth control

• May cause side effects like nausea (anti-nausea medication might help with this), vomiting, stomach pain and headaches

“IUDs hurts too much when inserting” 

No. Not every woman gets pain on the insertion of the IUD.

Although there is a very small percentage of women who claim to get pain during the insertion. It’s important to know the biological differences, others may or may not get pain depending on their genetic makeup.

 “IUDs causes cervical cancer” 

It’s not true that IUDs causes cervical Cancer. The World Health Organization together with the Ministry of Health have confirmed that the IUDs are safe, so be glad and proud.

“IUDs causes Sterility” 

It’s not true that IUDs make you infertile. IUDs are used numerously because they have no hormones. This means when you remove it you can get pregnant quickly than using other contraception methods.

1. Does Trust Daisy disrupt an existing pregnancy?

No. Trust daisy Emergency contraceptives do not work if a woman is already pregnant. It only works if it’s taken before having unprotected sex.

2. Do Trust Daisy Emergency Contraceptives cause birth defects? Will the foetus be harmed if a woman accidentally takes Trust Daisy ECPs while she is pregnant?

No. Good evidence about this and it will not cause birth defects and will not otherwise harm the foetus if a woman is already pregnant.

3. I have HIV or AIDS can I safely take Trust Daisy ECS? 

Yes.  You can safely take Trust Daisy Emergency Contraceptives even if you are HIV positive.

4.  Are Trust Daisy ECs safe for adolescents?

Yes. They are safe only if they are used correctly.

5. I cannot use combined (oestrogen-progestin) oral contraceptives or progestin-only pills as an on-going method Can I still safely use Trust Daisy ECPs?

Yes. This is because Trust Daisy emergency contraceptives treatment is very brief.

6. If Trust Daisy ECPs failed to prevent pregnancy, does a woman have a greater chance of that pregnancy being an ectopic pregnancy?

No. To date, no evidence suggests that any Emergency Contraceptives increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

7. Should I use Trust Daisy ECPs as a regular method of contraception?

No. A woman who uses Trust Daisy Emergency contraceptives regularly is more likely to have an unintended pregnancy than a woman who uses another contraceptive regularly.

8. If I buy Trust Daisy ECPs over the counter, can I use them correctly?

Yes. Taking Trust Daisy Emergency contraceptives is simple; you don’t need medical supervision on this one.