A love-struck romantic proposed to his girlfriend using this amazing animation documenting their relationship – in LEGO.

Ben Anderson, 36, told his girlfriend Kirsten Dally, 37, that they were going to the cinema to watch the new Jason Bourne film.

But she was astonished when instead of the movie trailers, they were shown a stop-motion animation of the best bits of their relationship narrated by a Lego Ben.

It features their first kiss in the rain, visiting Dismaland, going on holiday to Thailand and ends with him proposing to Kirsten – who obviously said yes.

It was put together by teenage Lego animation genius Morgan Spence, 17, who has previously created viral videos from the bricks.

Ben, a forestry manager from Worcester said: “It was bloody nerve-wracking.

“The cinema told me what the listing was for the adverts so I knew the sequence.

“I was counting it down and knew mine was next.

“Hearing your own voice was cringey.

“Kirsten just couldn’t believe it. At one point she elbowed me in the ribs and asked me what the hell I had done. She was quite overwhelmed.”